The average EPA electric range of the 37 PHEVs currently available in the US is now 28.4 miles while the median is 26 miles. PHEVs ranged from a low of 9 miles to a high of 65 miles.

The top quartile range is 35.5 (meaning the median between the high and the median range) and the bottom quartile is 19.5 miles (meaning the mid-point between the median and the lowest range PHEV).
PHEV‘s with the highest and lowest range are also some of the most expensive. The Karma Revero GT costs $144,800 but tops the range chart with 65 miles of EV range. The Polestar 1 with 52 miles of range has the second-longest electric range, but the third-highest MSRP (after the Bentley Bentagya Hybrid at $156,900) at $165,500. The Polestar 1, however, was a limited production vehicle and has been discontinued but you can still find new models available at some of the Polestar show rooms. The Ferrari SF90 Stradale has an eye-popping MSRP of $625,000 but a paltry 9 miles of range.
One of the criticisms of PHEVs by some journalists, EV advocates, and BEV purists has been that many PHEVs have an insufficient amount of electric range to encourage their owners to plug them in regularly and drive them in electric mode a higher percentage of time. With the average daily vehicle miles traveled in the US at roughly 30 miles, many observers believe that PHEVs should have at least 30 miles of EPA range to qualify for federal, state, and utility incentives.

As of this writing, 43% or 16 of 37 PHEVs have 30 or more miles of EPA range and 57% have 26 or more miles of range. On the downside, 9 PHEVs or 24% have less than 20 miles of range.
For related articles on PHEVs, please check out these EVAdoption articles: